Thursday, August 20, 2009

I have a confession to make.....

I have a SERIOUS addiction to KSL. If you aren't familiar with it, here in Utah we have a news website that has a classifieds section. You can post anything you want on there to sell... it is awesome. I have sold some things here from my house and then took the money I got from that and bought some new things that I would use instead. I have a lot of things that I am wanting to do or get for my house so I am always looking to see what new has been posted.

I got thinking today. Pretty much everyone out there is trying to save where they can, and the home is no exception. As most of you know, I have my degree in Interior Design and worked in it for a couple of years as well as painting Murals before I started having babies. Through my schooling, my director of the design program would preach high end design all the time. She had her own army of I HATE RC WILLEY clan going on pretty much and I really did come out of school thinking that really expensive design was the only way to go. WELL..... I have lived in the real world as a married woman and a mom for the past 7 years since school I can tell you that I don't think that way anymore!!! More Power to the ones who can make great design on a BUDGET!!!! I PRIDE myself on finding great deals for both clothing and home items. I have recently moved into my new home and so I have lots that needs to be done. I am going to post deals and ideas that I have on this blog to share with others. I have lots that I am working on here in my house and I don't spend lots of money at all on it. So many people are in the same boat and they just want a nice environment to live in without breaking the bank. I have always felt pressure to have my house all put together because people expect my house to be "perfect" with being an Interior Designer.... but we have price limitations just like everyone else and we are trying to make the most of what we have just like everyone else.

I will post pictures of things that I have done or am doing. I will post prices and where I got them to help give you an idea that things don't have to be expensive or brand new to be great in your home. I will show projects of things I have made and how to do them (the best I can). And if you have ideas or questions, please share them! I definitely don't have all the answers and I look for ideas from other people also. Please leave comments also.... If I know people are looking at this and it is useful to people, I will do it, but if I don't think that anyone is interested in it, I will stop posting. Thanks!!


  1. I am interested! My home needs some serious help as I have never spent anything on decorating. Every thing I have has been given to me!

  2. I love this idea... post away!! That is so funny too, because just the other day I was saying when I grow up, I want to be an interior designer for the normal person. Or even be a consultant for how to make your home beautiful and personal with small and creative, and thrifty changes... but I just have the interest in that. You have the skills and education, so I can't wait to see what you have to say and show! Fantastic idea!

  3. Lindsi, this is so great! I am really looking forward to seeing pictures of your house when you're finished with each room. We all have our talents and interior design and decorating is not one of mine. Our house is a mix of odds and ends; I don't think it looks that great. What resources would you suggest to help inspire (ie publications)? Just to get an idea of what I like and what my style is. Yep, I'm that lost. BTW, all of my furniture came from RC Willey! Except the stuff I inherited.
