Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fun for Kids!

Some of you may already know that not only am I an Interior Designer, but I am also a Mural Artist. (At least I was before I started having kids)

Murals are such a fun thing to incorporate in a room for kids.
They can either be very grand like this Winnie the Pooh Mural I did.
And this Hot Rod flame room I did.
Or they can be something simple like painting a border like I did here.
Or something decorative over a window like here.
This Madagascar Mural is painted in a kids t.v. room and made to look like a framed picture hanging on the wall.
Or, maybe you have a playhouse in your backyard
and the inside could use that fun, special touch.
Or do you have a play area under your stairs that you can make into a fun play house?

There are so many ways that you can incorporate some decorative painting into your kids lives, either big or small. I can't wait to have our basement finished so that we can make the basement into a fun kids area and I can paint one of these murals in my own home.

If you would like to see more mural pictures, check out my mural picture slideshow in the right side column.

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest playhouse ever... I want one! You always have cute ideas, and i've wanted to see your murals, too bad we aren't all that talented ;)
