Thursday, January 14, 2010


Thanks to everyone for your responses today!

So the consensus through out the day with emails, texts, facebook responses, and comments was that more people seemed to like the glaze.

My decision.... I really like the glaze and I believe that I will do it, but I am giving myself permission at this time to not have everything ready and perfect before she comes! I am exhausted and I think I need to just allow myself to rest and get ready for her.

Glazing can be done at anytime and I want to make sure that I do it right and that I don't just rush the job just to get it done. Because my husband spent so much time on the beadboard, I want to make sure that I do the glazing right and that I am really happy with the job that is being done.... So, as of right now, I am leaving it white and down the road I will probably decide to glaze once I feel like I am settled in my new life with another child.

Plus... I decided that I need to slow down a bit, otherwise I might just get my house all designed and run out of things to post about! :)

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