Monday, January 11, 2010

Kenidi's Crib Quilt

Now remember these fabrics that I purchased for Kenidi's crib quilt and nursery inspiration?!
Well I worked INCREDIBLY hard and long hours to get it finished and it is finally done!

(Normally I would show you the finished piece here but I didn't get a picture in here so I am just going to go through the steps of how to make the quilt and you can see the end result at the bottom! :)

The first step you need to do is pick out your fabric and have a pattern in mind. The next thing that you need is a Rotary Blade and cutting mat.... this makes it SO much easier than cutting with scissors. I made my squares 6"x6" but you can go bigger if you would like. I purchased a 1/2 yard of each fabric (in flannel) and I have 5 different fabrics and then bought 2 yards of the cream fabric (also in flannel) which is my backing.
After the many hours of cutting (it was very time consuming!) I laid them out into the pattern I wanted and then labeled each column by numbers to keep them in order.
Next I took some quilt batting (I happened to have some in my stash already) and cut 5"x5" squares and sandwiched them between the cream backing and the front square.
Then I took each of my labeled piles that were in order with the batting sandwiched between already and started sewing an X pattern through the squares. My sister gave me this little idea to sew on part of the X and then just start sewing on another square and create this chain, then I cut the threads between them, stacked them back in order and did the same thing to the other part of the X. Doing it this way made it go so much faster and I didn't waste as much thread.
After each X in sewn on all of the squares, then you need to sew all of the squares together in order with the seam facing the front of the quilt. After each row is sewn, you need to sew the rows together. Like in the picture above, you need to pin the seams together on each square so that you can make sure that they match up (again, make sure that the seams are facing outwards so you can see them in the end).
Here it shows the rows all pinned together and ready to sew.
After all of it is sewn together, you need to sew around the outside edge and finish those sides off. Then, the not so fun part of cutting the seams begins.

The picture above, shows part of them cut and others not cut. You should cut about every 1/4 inch or so to get a really nice frayed edge.
Here it shows what the outside edge should look like, you also need to cut the outside edge.

After all the seams and edges are cut, you throw it in the washer and dryer and you have a frayed Rag Quilt!
And here it is all finished!
The close up of it.

It turned out super cute and I am really happy with it, but I have to admit that it was WAY more work than I was anticipating but it will be so cute in the room.

Also, it shrunk a bit after I washed it. It is still a good crib size since I made it a little big in the first place but be aware that is will shrink.

So now seeing the quilt all made up and you know that I have beadboard on the bottom of the nursery that we have been working on, does anyone want to guess what color I painted the top part of the walls? It may actually surprise you.


  1. So cute, I love it! Just in time too! Let me know when your sweet Kenidi arrives! I am so excited for you guys!

  2. I'm doing bead board in my girls nursery tomorrow and was looking online to see pics and came accross your blog so cute I love it. I love your house too. I also did a quilt for my baby that was a ragtime one. I have a lot of blogs but the baby stuff u can see at I will post pics of the nursery when its done!
