Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm still here

It has been a long time since I have posted on here!

My husband went out of town for a week and a half for work and that left me all alone with my girls which meant Absolutely NO Time to do anything else.

I have some things that I want to post about but they won't happen today.

I'm still here, just really busy & will hopefully get something posted in the next few days.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Professional Pictures

I am sure that you have guessed that this is my sweet baby Kenidi!

My neighbor and friend Haylie Lyn did some pictures of her 2 weeks ago and I just got to see a sampling of them on her blog tonight.

What an amazing job she did!
I can't even express how much I LOVE this picture.... they don't get much cuter than this :)

I can't wait to get all of the finals and hang them up on my walls..... in about every room in the house :) You know how I LOVE my pictures.

Check out her blog to see the rest of the sampling of my sweet little girl

Thanks Haylie!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tip of the Week - Design your Laundry Room!!!!

You know when you have one of those moments that you look at somebody else's home and you have that moment a jealousy?
Well I had that feeling the other day!

(Lindsi, didn't you just do a post about not being jealous or envious about what other's have and just being happy with what you have? Why yes, yes I did.)

So I let that feeling only last for a split second and then I decided I wasn't going to feel that way and that I was just going to be happy and excited for this person.

My neighbor posted some pictures up on her blog of her Laundry Room Redo that she just finished. I say redo but it was more like an OVERHAUL!

I have mentioned before in this post that you really shouldn't forget about the laundry room when designing your house.

Don't get me wrong, I love my laundry room! I love that it didn't cost me anything and it is still cute. It puts a smile on my face when I walk in there (and it should)!

But I wanted to highlight my neighbor's laundry room and hope that it inspires you to want to do something to your laundry room.

Her name is Amanda Skinner and she did this project with her husband (the best kind of projects)!
Here is her before picture and I bet this is similar to a lot of homes out there.

After finding a great deal on a front loading washer and dryer, she was motivated to redo the entire room. And here is what they did.

Does it not look amazing!?

They built the platform to raise up the washer and dryer. I think this is a GENIUS option to the pedestal drawers. I have the front loaders and I love them but I also have the pedestals. My mom however, she doesn't have the pedestals, and when I do laundry there, I sit on the floor to put stuff and in and take it out since it hurts my back to bed over. So I love that they built the platform so that they wouldn't have to bend over.

The cabinet on top, they purchased from the Habitat Restore. They purchased just the left side and her husband built the shelves on the right side. She painted it all the same color and then glazed on top of that.

She purchased the baskets at Walgreens and then made the liners to go in them.

The thing that I love about this whole redo.... She says that she LOVES to do laundry now and she loves to be in there!!! That is how everyone should feel. Laundry is an inevitable task for everyone, why not do it in style and enjoy what you are looking at while in there.

It doesn't matter what size of laundry room you have, there something you can do for any size of laundry room.

I dare you to go into your laundry room and see what you can start with.... You won't be sorry!