Monday, March 8, 2010

Professional Pictures

I am sure that you have guessed that this is my sweet baby Kenidi!

My neighbor and friend Haylie Lyn did some pictures of her 2 weeks ago and I just got to see a sampling of them on her blog tonight.

What an amazing job she did!
I can't even express how much I LOVE this picture.... they don't get much cuter than this :)

I can't wait to get all of the finals and hang them up on my walls..... in about every room in the house :) You know how I LOVE my pictures.

Check out her blog to see the rest of the sampling of my sweet little girl

Thanks Haylie!


  1. That picture is just absolutely breathtaking! I love it.

  2. thanks for doing a "spot light" on me here on your blog! I hope that you love kenidi'd pictures... it was a lot of fun having her here... of course she made me baby hungry again! =)
