Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Last summer, I moved into my house and had a fresh clean slate to start with. Since I had so many projects to do, I thought "why not create a design blog that shows my friends and family what I am doing and give a few tips along with it." I started the blog thinking I was doing something new and helpful..... I honestly had no idea when I started this that there were SO MANY other design blogs out there! I had never heard or seen a design blog before starting this and now I am realizing that my idea wasn't so original and there is nothing that makes it stand out.

I haven't posted for a long time because 1) I have been so busy with my girls that I haven't really had a second to take pictures...... actually I haven't had time to work on my house at all.... and 2) I am starting to feel that this is just one more blog out there. It makes me kind of sad that there are so many design blogs out there but I can't believe that I had never seen or heard of any before I started this.

I guess for right now, I won't be posting much on here. If I do big projects, I will more than likely document it on here and how to do it... but I won't be posting regularly on here like I have in the past. I guess I feel that I need to put my energy into other things right now.


  1. just know I don't think of your blog as just another designer blog. I love it and will check back often.
    Thank you for all your fun and unique ideas.

  2. I love it too. You have such great ideas. Right after finding your blog I stained my wall in my family room and love it. PLEASE keep blogging!! I love your decorating style.
