Monday, June 14, 2010

Brown and ??????

You know what I find very interesting, before 10 years ago, you NEVER saw brown used in the home. Now within the past 10 years (or less) it has become such a popular color. Do you know what I love most about the color brown.... it looks good with EVERY color out there.

Green, peach, and red

Some people may be afraid of color, and this is a great way to add some drama without adding color. This is what we call a monochromatic color scheme and works great with the chocolate brown adding some contrast to the tans and creams in the room.

Here I used it with pink and red. Pink and brown is SUCH a HUGE trend with little girls rooms right now that I wanted to throw in the red to add something new and different. I kept this room fairly simple and really does suit the personality of my almost 2 year old.

Brought it in a different way with using it on furniture in my living room.

This room is my 2 nephew's bathroom. I LOVE the color combination in the room. A little bit different take on a beach theme.

I absolutely love the teal/sea green color and the brown.

I honestly can't think of a color combination out there that wouldn't look good with brown. It is a great ANCHOR color to any space and is softer than using black. (I still love black though :)

1 comment:

  1. love the bathroom too! it's true, brown is such a great neutral. we painted our son's room kwal beach house and i love it! it's the color of a wendy's frosty. at first it seemed dark, but it doesn't reflect light as much as white, which is what it was before. great for naptime. it's interesting you see a lot of homes that have chocolate brown stucco now too.
