A few weeks ago, my husband and I had the wonderful opportunity to go in for an Audit!!! Ok, so I am totally lying, it wasn't wonderful at all! It was an Audit for our 2007 taxes... this was a CRAZY year for us! We built our spec homes (we are living in one of them now) and I started up my Mural and Interior Design business. At the end of 2007, after 6 years of trying, I found out that I was pregnant with my first daughter! Because of this, I did not continue in pursuing my business.
We were sitting down with the Auditor and he asked me what my business was. I told him that it was a mural business and Interior Design. He had to ask (as a lot of people do) what a Mural was. I told that I painted on walls :) I painted pictures in kids rooms and play rooms. So he asks the question "Do you like what you do?" What kind of a question is that? Would I try to start up a business if I didn't enjoy doing it? I told him "yea, I enjoy doing it"...... because I enjoy doing my Interior Design that I went to school for and I enjoy painting Murals, he didn't consider it a real business!!!! So apparently if you enjoy what you do, it isn't a real job! We were so ticked at the guy after this. Because I did not continue the business in 08, he doesn't consider it a real business pursuit and he wouldn't let me have the tax write offs. GGGRRRRR! He asked me why I didn't pursue it after I had the baby..... I GOT PREGNANT AGAIN! Now I know you can still do things when you are pregnant.... but how would it be if I'm on a ladder and needing to throw up while at somebody else's home... not a pretty thought! It just boggles my mind that because I enjoyed what I was doing, it wasn't a business..... it was a hobby to them.

(Side note - the bottom picture is of a flower arrangement I did for grandma. All of the children and grandchildren gave her a silk flower for her 80th birthday and I created this arrangement to represent her posterity... such a cool idea... it wasn't mine, I just created the arrangement)
The truth of the matter is, I LOVE Interior Design, Murals, being creative, and I love writing in this blog and giving people FREE advice on how to make their homes beautiful with out spending much money..... but to be completely honest with you (whoever is out there still reading this) I don't have the money to throw into my house right now. I desperately wish that I had the time and money to work on my house every single day and give ideas to everyone out there. I yearn to be creative in my daily life and it just doesn't happen. I love it when things come into my life for FREE. I appreciate them greatly and so I can only assume that other people appreciate getting things or advice for FREE also. Please let me know you are there and reading this. If there are people out there who do appreciate the free things that come into there life, I will find ways to still post tips and pictures on here. I may have to find other people's homes to post on here..... maybe my neighbors will want some design advice if I can post the projects they do on here... I guess I am a social comment snob! I assume that people don't read this blog if they don't leave comments, but I know that isn't true because I read certain blogs daily, but hardly ever leave comments.
I don't pretend or claim to be a great blogger or writer.... actually, I know an English teacher would just gasp at the way I write.... I sometimes tend to be a blunt person and I may offend people (but that is NEVER my intention), I just like to say it how I see it. I have a lot to learn on how to blog and make it better. I now know that there are a lot of great blogs out there and I really would like to make this blog into one of those great blogs. That is my wish... now to find a way to make it really happen....
Thank You to those of you who have stuck with me through my indecisiveness of what to do with my Interior Design passion and my lack of blogging skills and money to my own home.