It has been so long since I have posted on here.
I worked really hard on getting my business going. I got items made, drawings rendered up, business names figured out.... This took months to get to where it was.... and then I found out I was expecting AGAIN with my THIRD daughter in less than 3 years! I was very sick & everything came to a halt. I will still & try & do something with the business, it just may not be right now since I won't have a lot of time to put into it with 3 tiny (busy) girls.
But... Because of the new addition, we have LOTS that we are going to be doing to the house & rooms we will be changing!
My computer is pretty much dead! It became severly infected & we don't know if it can be saved or not. It has all of my pictures on it & is the only way I have to download pictures, but I am hoping that something can be figured out so that I can show what we are doing. I am very excited about all of it. I have started moving things around to change rooms & it is a VERY big undertaking for one person that's pregnant & limited on what I can lift along with doing it with 2 tiny kiddos.. always an adventure around here!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Business Idea
I haven't even been thinking about my house or this blog lately because I have a business idea that I am SO excited about!!! It is taking me A LOT longer than I would like to get it going but I am really, really, really (are you catching my excitement) thrilled about the concept of it and I can't wait to get it going!!! To give you a sneak peak idea..... it has a lot to do with this

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures.....
I have said it a bazillion times and I will continue saying it until the end of time....... PLEASE decorate your home with PICTURES!!!! I have shown you some picture collages from my own home and our cabin, but I haven't shown you the ones from my sister's gorgeous home.

I have to tell you this little story about pictures in the bathroom. In my last house I had pictures of my husband and I hanging above the toilet. We had fall pictures done and the colors in that bathroom were fall colors so I thought WHY NOT!..... well, I didn't think about this, but my brother was over one day and walked out of the bathroom and said, "Nothing like going to the bathroom and having you and James staring right at me!" Totally thought it was funny.... so maybe hang them on another wall than the one above the toilet if you so choose to do :)

When people walk into your home, do they know who lives there?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
You Will NOT believe this......
I have kind of been putting off this post because I am a little embarrassed over this one! A week and a half ago I went and stained my mom's "bonus" room (as we call it). This is her 4th floor... yes that is right, her 4th floor of her house (if you count the basement). Anyway, I am finally getting to posting the pictures and showing you what I did.

So here is the part that I have been SCARED to show you!!! I got started on the staining and was just finishing the first wall when I went to go move the ladder and.........
OH....... (I don't swear so none of those words came out.... but I was thinking crap)
I swear it all happened in slow motion and I just couldn't get to it fast enough. My first thought was to run downstairs and get my mom..... but then I realized that I would get stain ALLOVER her almost white carpet so I stopped myself, then I realized that I couldn't stop staining or else I would be stuck in the same boat as I was here so I knew I had to just keep going. I took my rag, wiped off the stain from my legs, ladder and carpet and kept going.... FYI.. It took me 2 showers of HARD scrubbing with a loofa to get it off my skin.... NOT FUN! Need less to say, my pants went into the garbage after that!
But here is how it turned out in the end.

This is a lighter and warmer color than I used in my house but it is a nice color for a room that doesn't get much light..... SPEAKING of light.... this little window in the picture above is getting an OVERHAUL!!! We are very excited! We have decided to rip this window out and replace it with a larger window so that we can get more light and see the AMAZING backyard my parent's have (I will show you that another day)

Now I'm not finished with the walls yet since I ran into another issue. I went to go stain the wall above the stairs and it turned out the my stairs ladder doesn't work on these stairs since they are shorter and steeper.... So... I have to rig something up that is not what I would call SAFE by all means but I don't know what else to do.

I am going to stretch my big ladder across the stairs opening, lay a board on it and put the smaller, lighter ladder on top of that. I told my husband that he had to be there watching me for safety sake... so I haven't done it yet........ SO, once again I will have to try and match up the stain but at least this time it is only about 8 inches.

Aren't you so glad that you have me to make all of the mistakes for you and that you can learn from mine....... I know seriously...... :)
I forgot to mention, my mom came up shortly after I spilled everything and just started laughing (after her jaw dropped)!!! It is a good thing we were planning on replacing the nasty purple carpet already. I'm glad my mom has a sense of humor :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Brown and ??????
You know what I find very interesting, before 10 years ago, you NEVER saw brown used in the home. Now within the past 10 years (or less) it has become such a popular color. Do you know what I love most about the color brown.... it looks good with EVERY color out there.

Green, peach, and red
Some people may be afraid of color, and this is a great way to add some drama without adding color. This is what we call a monochromatic color scheme and works great with the chocolate brown adding some contrast to the tans and creams in the room.

Here I used it with pink and red. Pink and brown is SUCH a HUGE trend with little girls rooms right now that I wanted to throw in the red to add something new and different. I kept this room fairly simple and really does suit the personality of my almost 2 year old.

Brought it in a different way with using it on furniture in my living room.

This room is my 2 nephew's bathroom. I LOVE the color combination in the room. A little bit different take on a beach theme.

I absolutely love the teal/sea green color and the brown.
I honestly can't think of a color combination out there that wouldn't look good with brown. It is a great ANCHOR color to any space and is softer than using black. (I still love black though :)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Nursery Beadboard
Remember back in this post I asked for a vote of what people liked, classic white beadboard or stained/glazed beadboard in my daughter's nursery? The majority vote was that people liked the idea of staining it and adding that brown to it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Yikes, Stripes......
OK, I know you couldn't resist singing it!!! Or, maybe I am the only one that remembers jingles from FOREVER ago! Remember the commercial "Yikes, stripes, fruit striped gum, the yummy fruit part hee hee hee ha ha ha?" That really doesn't have anything to do with my post, other than I do want to talk about stripes...... and TEENAGERS!
Honestly, were you one of those teenagers that had posters plastered all over your walls of your favorite celebrities? The boys that you thought were SO HOT! I was TOTALLY one of those girls in junior high. My walls were not a sight to be seen (in a design point of view... I would have argued that they really were a sight to be seen with all of the hotties). As a designer now, I REALLY struggle with the whole teenager bedroom scene.
This past weekend while I was at my sister's house in Idaho, I was staying in her teenage sons bedroom. I decided that I had to post about it and give a tip on it since they did a good job creating a compromise of a teenagers room and not making it look so cluttered like teenagers tend to do.
What is the one thing that pretty much ALL boys like?...... SPORTS! Well my nephew likes one team in particular....

Do you have a teenagers room that could use some sophistication to it? I know mine could have used it back in the day...
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